JBL Partybox 310 - Portable Party Speaker with Long Lasting Battery, Powerful JBL Sound and Exciting Light Show,Black JBL Partybox 310 - Portable Party Speaker with Long Lasting Battery, Powerful JBL Sound and Exciting Light Show,Black,JBL Partybox 310 | Portable party speaker with dazzling lights and powerful JBL Pro Sound,8/6発売】#JBL 『PARTY BOX 310』最大出力240Wで圧倒的迫力のパワフルなサウンドのスピーカーです - イヤホン・ヘッドホン専門店eイヤホンのブログ,JBL PartyBox 310 Portable Stereo Bluetooth Speaker with Built-in Microphone, Guitar input and Dynamic Lights,パーティースピーカー「JBL PartyBox 310」発売