Numerical investigation on non-Newtonian melting heat transfer of phase change material composited with nanoparticles and metal foam in an inner heated cubic cavity - ScienceDirect
Numerical investigation on non-Newtonian melting heat transfer of phase change material composited with nanoparticles and metal foam in an inner heated cubic cavity - ScienceDirect
Numerical investigation on non-Newtonian melting heat transfer of phase change material composited with nanoparticles and metal foam in an inner heated cubic cavity - ScienceDirect,Combining 2D image and point cloud deep learning to predict wheat above ground biomass | Precision Agriculture,Simplified test method for evaluating progressive collapse resistance of precast concrete frame structures - ScienceDirect,Combining 2D image and point cloud deep learning to predict wheat above ground biomass | Precision Agriculture,Characterization of failure modes and mechanical behavior of micro-fiber-reinforced recycled aggregate concrete under Hopkinson pressure bar and in-situ CT techniques - ScienceDirect